Our culture
seems to be looking for something more lately.
No matter what we have it’s never enough.
The last
two Sundays the sermon has been about Jesus feeding the 5,000. That’s unusual—for a scripture to be repeated
two Sundays in a row. And this scripture
is also unusual in that it’s one of the few stories that shows up in each one
of the four gospels. Clearly God wants
us to hear this story.
So, what is
God telling us here? What are we to learn from a story where there are a lot of
people, limited resources and a need to satisfy a lot of people with limited
I’ve been
going through the essays I’ve written on my blog through the years and found
one I wrote about a trip I took to Waco in August of 2006 with the kids
from my church. We went to help out with
a ministry that is still operating today.
It’s fairly famous. In fact, the
day we were there People magazine took photos for an article about them and I
can honestly say my photo has now been in People magazine. It was the back of my head and you can’t
really tell it was me. But if you can
pick out the back of Darby Fields’ head, I’m sitting on her right. If you want more info about Church Under the
Bridge they have a website: : http://www.churchunderthebridge.org/)
We took about 17 teenagers who
shopped, cooked and served a meal for about 150 homeless folks. I learned some
things about cooking for homeless people… like making sure we offered something
they could take with them to eat later in the day, something that didn’t have
to be refrigerated, and offering something healthy and sweet like fruit. We
took what looked like a massive amount of hot food to the church, which is,
quite literally, under the high bridge formed by Interstate 35 as it connects
with south 4th and 5th streets. The bridge makes a perfect canopy, a kind of
cathedral, although a different kind of cathedral.
When we arrived the kids opened up
what they had cooked and started dishing it out: breakfast burritos kept so
warm that steam rose when people opened the aluminum foil, hot beans,
sandwiches, cookies and fruit. We had quite a spread and I was feeling pretty
good. But then the line formed and people started putting the food on plates.
Two burritos, a sandwich, a spoon of beans, a brownie and a banana filled most
of the plates I began to worry that we would run out. Each time I looked out at
the line of people it didn’t seem to get any shorter. But I also noticed that
there was still a layer of food in our coolers. As fast as the food
disappeared, it seemed to me that it magically reappeared. Finally, the line
ended and there was still food. We encouraged everyone to come back for seconds
and there was still food. The food was multiplying right in front of my eyes. I
couldn’t see it actually growing but the accountant in me was counting people,
subtracting burritos on plates and counting burritos left in the cooler and
none of it added up. Somehow the limited amount of food we prepared was holding
out. At the end, when the last people had come through for seconds, when folks
had gone to sit down and prepare for worship, there was still food left. I
couldn’t believe it.
But then I remembered that Jesus
had fed 5,000 people on five loaves of bread and two fish. Actually, there were
over 5,000 people but they didn’t count the women and children back in those
days. I never paid much attention to that tiny detail. If you estimate the
number of women and children the number increases dramatically. Check it out in
Matthew 14.
I always marveled at this feat.
Then one year I was assigned to tell the story to the children of the church. I
thought I would be cute and use real bread and real fish. The five loaves of
bread would be easy but the fish stumped me for a while. I had a hard time
figuring out where to get fish that we could eat without starting a little
campfire right there in the chancel of the sanctuary. I finally hit on sardines.
I spent the rest of the day patting myself on the back for being so brilliant.
No refrigeration was needed for this small and snacky type of real fish. I
forgot kids don’t like sardines.
They were horrified by this slimy, smelly
bit of fish I had presented them. As we passed the sardines and bread around I
watched the first couple of kids take miniscule bits of the sardines. As the
plate was passed around some who took a tiny piece tasted it and put it back on
the plate. After watching the others, the rest simply refused any of the fish
at all. I was so startled by this that I forgot for a second where I was and
blurted out “So, that’s how he did it!”
How else could Jesus feed so many
people with so few resources unless he multiplied the food? Maybe…. could it
be? What if ….maybe there was another way?…what if Jesus didn’t multiply the
food? What if he satisfied their hunger?
It doesn’t really change the story.
The point of the story is not how Jesus did it but the idea that he did the impossible;
he accomplished a huge job with limited resources. And it doesn’t mean that I
don’t think Jesus could have multiplied the food into any number he wished. I
still believe Jesus could have made it rain purple poodles if he took a notion.
But if he satisfied their hunger, it would have the same result, wouldn’t it?
Anyone who has ever been in a
twelve-step program or who understands the concept knows that the issue is
hunger of some sort. It doesn’t matter if it’s an AA group, or Overeaters Anonymous,
or Sex Addicts or gambling or shopping, most addictions are basically an
overpowering hunger for something. And the programs working with these
addictions all know that it takes something even more powerful to overcome the
addiction. It takes faith in a higher power, a power greater than the addiction.
When I was in Guatemala during the summer
of 2006 studying Mayan Spirituality under Antonio Otzoy, he said that his
greatest teacher was his grandfather. His grandfather taught him many things.
He taught Antonio the arrangement of the stars so well he could navigate his
way home no matter where he was. One of the stories Antonio told us started out
with the observation that the Mayan people do not generally eat much in the
Food has always been scarce for the
Mayan people so they have learned to temper their hunger. They take their time
upon waking and never hurry. When it finally came time for Antonio’s
grandfather to eat his first meal of the day, he would only have a cup of hot
water. I could imagine the care and ceremony it took as Antonio described the
making of this cup of hot water. Then, before drinking, he said his grandfather
would pray over the cup. Antonio said that in the prayer something astonishing
happened: the hot water became something more. And they could go
for hours strengthened by that water.
The water became something more through prayer. The
loaves and fish became something more.
Maybe our burritos became something more.
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